SimpliVity CLi  Install vCenter Plugin

At the VCSA start the install:


This installer guides you through the steps to install HPE SimpliVity Plug-in
for vSphere Client.

HPE SimpliVity Plug-in adds options to the VMware® vSphere® Client application
so you can manage the HPE OmniStack hosts and related objects in a virtual

Read the following License Agreement. You must accept the terms of this
agreement before continuing with the installation.

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HPE End User License Agreement - Enterprise Version

1.  Applicability.
This end user license agreement (the "Agreement") governs the use of
accompanying software, unless it is subject to a separate agreement between you
and Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company and its subsidiaries ("HPE"). By
downloading, copying, or using the software you agree to this Agreement. HPE
provides translations of this Agreement in certain languages other than English,
which may be found at:

2.  Terms.
This Agreement includes supporting material accompanying the software or
referenced by HPE, which may be software license information, additional license
authorizations, software specifications, published warranties, supplier terms,
open source software licenses and similar content ("Supporting Material").
Additional license authorizations are at:

3.  Authorization.
If you agree to this Agreement on behalf of another person or entity, you
warrant you have authority to do so.

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4.  Consumer Rights.
If you obtained software as a consumer, nothing in this Agreement affects your
statutory rights.

5.  Electronic Delivery.
HPE may elect to deliver software and related software product or license
information by electronic transmission or download.

6.  License Grant.
If you abide by this Agreement, HPE grants you a non-exclusive non-transferable
license to use one copy of the version or release of the accompanying software
for your internal purposes only, and is subject to any specific software
licensing information that is in the software product or its Supporting

Your use is subject to the following restrictions, unless specifically allowed
in Supporting Material:
    - You may not use software to provide services to third parties.
    - You may not make copies and distribute, resell or sublicense software to
    third parties.
    - You may not download and use patches, enhancements, bug fixes, or similar
    updates unless you have a license to the underlying software. However, such
    license doesn't automatically give you a right to receive such updates and
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    HPE reserves the right to make such updates only available to customers with
    support contracts.
    - You may not copy software or make it available on a public or external
    distributed network.
    - You may not allow access on an intranet unless it is restricted to
    authorized users.
    - You may make one copy of the software for archival purposes or when it is
    an essential step in authorized use.
    - You may not modify, reverse engineer, disassemble, decrypt, decompile or
    make derivative works of software. If you have a mandatory right to do so
    under statute, you must inform HPE in writing about such modifications.

7.  Remote Monitoring.
Some software may require keys or other technical protection measures and HPE
may monitor your compliance with the Agreement, remotely or otherwise. If HPE
makes a license management program for recording and reporting license usage
information, you will use such program no later than 180 days from the date it's
made available.

8.  Ownership.
No transfer of ownership of any intellectual property will occur under this

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9.  Copyright Notices.
You must reproduce copyright notices on software and documentation for
authorized copies.

10. Operating Systems.
Operating system software may only be used on approved hardware and

11. 90-day Limited Warranty for HPE Software.
    - HPE-branded software materially conforms to its specifications, if any,
    and is free of malware at the
    - Time of delivery; if you notify HPE within 90 days of delivery of
    non-conformance to this warranty, HPE will replace your copy. This Agreement
    states all remedies for warranty claims.
    - HPE does not warrant that the operation of software will be uninterrupted
    or error free, or that software will operate in hardware and software
    combinations other than as authorized by HPE in Supporting Material. To the
    extent permitted by law, HPE disclaims all other warranties.

12. Intellectual Property Rights Infringement.
HPE will defend and/or settle any claims against you that allege that
HPE-branded software as supplied under this Agreement infringes the intellectual
property rights of a third party. HPE will rely on your prompt notification of
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the claim and cooperation with our defense. HPE may modify the software so as to
be non-infringing and materially equivalent, or we may procure a license. If
these options are not available, we will refund to you the amount paid for the
affected product in the first year or the depreciated value thereafter. HPE is
not responsible for claims resulting from any unauthorized use of the software.

13. Limitation of Liability.
HPE's liability to you under this Agreement is limited to the amount actually
paid by you to HPE for the relevant software, except for amounts in Section 12
("Intellectual Property Rights Infringement"). Neither you nor HPE will be
liable for lost revenues or profits, downtime costs, loss or damage to data or
indirect, special or consequential costs or damages. This provision does not
limit either party's liability for: unauthorized use of intellectual property,
death or bodily injury caused by their negligence; acts of fraud; willful
repudiation of the Agreement; or any liability that may not be excluded or
limited by applicable law.

14. Termination.
This Agreement is effective until terminated or in the case of a limited-term
license, upon expiration; however, your rights under this Agreement terminate if
you fail to comply with it. Immediately upon termination or expiration, you will
destroy the software and documentation and any copies, or return them to HPE.
You may keep one copy of software and documentation for archival purposes. We
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may ask you to certify in writing you have complied with this section. Warranty
disclaimers, the limitation of liability, this section on termination, and
Section 15 ("General") will survive termination.

15. General.
    a. Assignment.
    You may not assign this Agreement without prior written consent of HPE,
    payment of transfer fees and compliance with HPE's software license transfer
    policies. Authorized assignments will terminate your license to the
    software and you must deliver software and documentation and copies thereof
    to the assignee. The assignee will agree in writing to this Agreement. You
    may only transfer firmware if you transfer associated hardware.

    b. U.S. Government.
    If the software is licensed to you for use in the performance of a U.S.
    Government prime contract or subcontract, you agree that, consistent with
    FAR 12.211 and 12.212, commercial computer software, computer software
    documentation and technical data for commercial items are licensed under
    HPE's standard commercial license.

    c. Global Trade Compliance.
    You agree to comply with the trade-related laws and regulations of the U.S.
    and other national governments. If you export, import or otherwise transfer
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    products provided under this Agreement, you will be responsible for
    obtaining any required export or import authorizations. You confirm that you
    are not located in a country that is subject to trade control sanctions
    (currently Cuba, Iran, N. Korea, N. Sudan, and Syria) and further agree that
    you will not retransfer the products to any such country. HPE may suspend
    its performance under this Agreement to the extent required by laws
    applicable to either party.

    d. Audit.
    HPE may audit you for compliance with the software license terms. Upon
    reasonable notice, HPE may conduct an audit during normal business hours
    (with the auditor's costs being at HPE's expense). If an audit reveals
    underpayments then you will pay to HPE such underpayments. If underpayments
    discovered exceed five (5) percent, you will reimburse HPE for the auditor

    e. Open Source Components.
    To the extent the Supporting Material includes open source licenses, such
    licenses shall control over this Agreement with respect to the particular
    open source component. To the extent Supporting Material includes the GNU
    General Public License or the GNU Lesser General Public License: (a) the
    software includes a copy of the source code; or (b) if you downloaded the
    software from a website, a copy of the source code is available on the same
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    website; or (c) if you send HPE written notice, HPE will send you a copy of
    the source code for a reasonable fee.

    f. Notices.
    Written notices under this Agreement may be provided to HPE via the method
    provided in the Supporting Material.

    g.Governing Law.
    This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the state of California,
    U.S.A., excluding rules as to choice and conflict of law. You and HPE agree
    that the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale
    of Goods will not apply.

    h. Force Majeure.
    Neither party will be liable for performance delays nor for non-performance
    due to causes beyond its reasonable control, except for payment obligations.

    i. Entire Agreement.
    This Agreement represents our entire understanding with respect to its
    subject matter and supersedes any previous communication or agreements that
    may exist. Modifications to the Agreement will be made only through a
    written amendment signed by both parties. If HPE doesn't exercise its rights
    under this Agreement, such delay is not a waiver of its rights.
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16. Australian Consumers.
If you acquired the software as a consumer within the meaning of the
'Australian Consumer Law' under the Australian Competition and Consumer Act 2010
(Cth) then despite any other provision of this Agreement, the terms at this URL

17. Russian Consumers.
If you are based in the Russian Federation and the rights to use the software
are provided to you under a separate license and/or sublicense agreement
concluded between you and a duly authorized HPE partner, then this Agreement
shall not be applicable.

5200-0656 v1.0, 2022
(c) Copyright 2015-2022 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP


Additional License Authorizations - For HPE SimpliVity OmniStack ("OmniStack")

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Capitalized terms not otherwise defined in this ALA document are defined in the
governing agreement.

1. OmniStack.
Means the SimpliVity OmniStack Accelerator, OmniStack Software and

2. Software.
Means any software (including OmniStack Software), library, utility, tool, or
other computer or program code, in object (binary) or source-code form, as well
as related documentation, provided by HPE, through any medium, to Customers, for
use with qualified hardware and a validated OmniStack configuration.

Software specific license terms
Software specific license terms for OmniStack appears below.

Customer agrees that it will not disassemble the Software or any part thereof,
remove the OmniStack Accelerator or use the OmniStack Accelerator or any
software contained in OmniStack with hardware other than that in which was
originally delivered.  Customer agrees not to disclose to any third party any
test results, benchmarks, or other performance or evaluation information
relating to OmniStack.  The suppliers of any third party components of OmniStack
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have a proprietary interest therein and shall be beneficiaries under this ALA.

Security Bulletin and Alert Policy for Non-HPE Owned Software Components
HPE addresses security bulletins for the software components listed in this ALA
with the same level of support afforded HPE products. HPE is committed to
reducing security defects and helping you mitigate the risks associated with
security defects when they do occur.

HPE has a well-defined process when a security defect is found that culminates
with the publication of a security
bulletin. The security bulletin provides you with a high level description of
the problem and explains how to mitigate
the security defect.

Procedure for Subscribing to Security Bulletins:
    1. Open a browser to the Hewlett Packard Enterprise Support Center:
    2. Where prompted to enter a product name or a number, type: CloudSystem
    3. Click Go
    4. Click HPE CloudSystem Enterprise, or HPE CloudSystem Foundation
    5. For HPE CloudSystem Enterprise, sign up for customized driver, security,
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    patch and support email alerts:
    6. For HPE CloudSystem Foundation, sign up for customized driver, security,
    patch and support email alerts:

Distributed Open Source Software
The following components are distributed with OmniStack in compliance with their
respective licenses.

Log4Net (2.0.3). log4net is a tool to help the programmer output log statements
to a variety of output targets.
License. Apache License, Version 2.0
    License URL.
Moq (4.2.1). The most popular and friendly mocking framework for .NET.
    License. The 2-Clause BSD License
    License URL.
Ssh.Net (4.0).  SSH.NET is a Secure Shell (SSH) library for .NET, optimized for
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    License. MIT License.
    License URL.
Unity (2.1.5).  The Unity Application Block (Unity) is a lightweight extensible
dependency injection container with support for constructor, property, and
method call injection.
    License. Microsoft Public License (MS-PL).
    License URL.

(c) Copyright 2015-2022 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP

Press [Enter] to continue:

Do you accept this license? [y/n]: y

Specify the directory where you want to install HPE SimpliVity Plug-in for
vSphere Client.

Installation Directory [/opt/Hewlett Packard Enterprise/HPESimpliVityPluginForVSphereClient-]:

VMware vCenter Credentials

Enter your VMware vCenter credentials to register the HPE SimpliVity Plug-in

vCenter administrator user name.

User Name []: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.

vCenter administrator password.

Password :

Enter the e-mail address of the administrator responsible for the HPE SimpliVity

E-mail []: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.

You can install the HPE SimpliVity Plug-in for vSphere Client on your computer.

Do you want to continue? [Y/n]:

Wait while Setup installs HPE SimpliVity Plug-in for vSphere Client on your

 0% ______________ 50% ______________ 100%

Setup finished installing HPE SimpliVity Plug-in for vSphere Client on your

To activate the HPE SimpliVity Plug-in features in vSphere Client:

1. Log out of vSphere Client, if logged in.

2. Log in to vSphere Client using the administrator
    credentials you used to install HPE SimpliVity Plug-in.

Restart VMware "vsphere-ui" service (required to activate the Plug-in) [Y/n]: